IVO, scientific bureau for research, expertise and consultancy on lifestyle, addiction and related social developments

Lifestyle, addiction and social developments
The IVO is a national bureau with its headquarters in Rotterdam. The aim of the IVO is the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge on lifestyle, addiction and related social developments. In this way the IVO explores and seeks solutions for the physical, psychological and social issues related to various forms of addiction.

The central themes of IVO research focus on the causes and consequences of the use of alcohol, cannabis, hard drugs, tobacco and prescription drugs, for the individual user and their direct environment, and for society as a whole. Besides substance use the IVO also investigates new forms of potentially addictive behaviours such as gambling, using the Internet, and eating.

Attention for lifestyle and related social developments focuses mainly on research into the behaviour of groups such as marginalized users of hard drugs, prostitutes, problem youth, and the homeless.

Research, expertise and consultancy
The IVO has expertise in ethnographic, socio-epidemiologic, and evaluation research: this applies to basic research as well as to practical and policy-based research.

Over 40 researchers are employed by the IVO coming from such different backgrounds as epidemiology, psychology, sociology, criminology, health sciences, communication studies and social administration. They conduct quantitative and/or qualitative research, and some researchers also have an advisory function. The composition of the team of researchers and advisers varies per project. The expertise of the IVO, the social involvement of its staff, and the combination of independent research with a practical approach produces valuable data and allows offering objective advice.

Scientific bureau
The Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Maastricht, the University of Tilburg, the Radboud University Nijmegen, and the Volksbond Rotterdam all participate in the IVO. Several chairs are affiliated with the IVO thus guaranteeing the quality of the research. Research and consultancy have been commissioned by local municipalities, local health authorities, care agencies, ministries, companies and various foundations.

For more information contact the office via secretariaat@ivo.nl